The Singles Ministry is a vital component of International Church of Christ Sierra Leone, comprising individuals who are above 18 years old and unmarried. The primary objective of the Singles Ministry is to cater for the unique needs of unmarried individuals in the church as well as visitors. It serves as a platform for fellowship, spiritual growth, and support for those in this stage of life. The Singles Ministry is led by Joseph Kanu supported by Naomi Sesay, the ministry is made up of sixty-one (61) singles from the Freetown, Grafton, Makeni, Mile 91 and Kono Congregation.The singles Ministry meets every 3 months with the aim of providing an opportunity for singles to connect, build relationships, and share their experiences. These gatherings often include worship, relevant teachings, and discussions on topics pertaining to singleness, faith, and personal growth.Recognizing the importance of discipleship and spiritual growth the ministry encourages brothers and sisters to be having discipling and even join small Bible studies groups that will help them strengthen their faith in the Lord and this will foster deeper relationships, allowing for more personalized discussions, and provide a space for mutual encouragement and accountability.With respect to social events, the Singles Ministry arranges various social events, such as thanksgiving service, hang out, going out on dates and sometimes organize football matches. These events offer opportunities for members to have fun, build friendships, and engage in meaningful activities together. Added to that the ministry conducts morning devotion and sometimes workshops tailored to the specific challenges and opportunities faced by singles. Recently the Single Ministry had a national thanksgiving service which was on the 15th October, 2023 and it was very successful.Over the years the Singles Ministry have impacted the lives of singles in the following ways; serves as a catalyst for spiritual growth, offering a supportive environment for individuals to deepen their relationship with God through worship, prayer, bible studies, and mentorship, providing a dedicated space for singles to come together, the ministry fosters a sense of belonging amongst it members, acknowledges and addresses the unique emotional needs of unmarried individuals through open discussions and support networks, members find comfort, encouragement, and guidance in navigating the complexities of singleness, Over and above the ministry encourages personal development and holistic growth among its members. By offering seminars, workshops, and mentoring opportunities, individuals are equipped with practical skills and knowledge to excel in their personal and professional lives. The impact of the Singles Ministry extends beyond the individual members, positively influencing every aspect of the Church and completing the Great Commission of making disciples.

Kids Kingdom
Benevolent Ministry
This is the core teachings of Christianity, emphasizing love, compassion, and kindness towards others. Jesus Christ encouraged each and every disciple to help those in need. In Matthew 19:21, Jesus said “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow me.”
Teens Ministry
Welcome to the Preteens and Teens Ministry